Legal notice
District of Zwickau | District
Administration Office
Robert-Müller-Straße 4 - 8
08056 Zwickau | Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 375 4402-0
Fax: +49 (0) 375 4402-31900
The District of Zwickau is a regional authority established under public law, represented by District Administrator Dr. Christoph Scheurer.
Tax number: 227-149-00033
Picture credits
- Adobe Stock
- photoschmidt
- Halfpoint
- andriano_cz
- Daniel Ernst
- Monkey Business
- Daisy Daisy
- nenetus
- shunevich
- Kzenon
- contrastwerkstatt
- Robert Kneschke
- Kittipan_Boonsopit
- Vasyl
- sodawhiskey
- Jennewein-Photography
- © Robert Kneschke
- sebra
- AppelGrips Werbeagentur
- Augsten, Thomas
- Ausbildungszentrum Zwickau
- Europäisches Gymnasium Waldenburg
- Thomas Augsten
- Gerischer, Helge
- Getty Images
- yoh4nn
- Göhler, Oliver
- Harzer, Bert
- iStock
- RyanJLane
- Halfpoint
- Royal Graphics
- Massimo Merlini
- petrenkod
- nd3000
- Kretschel, Andreas
- Rose, Matthias
- Tourismus und Sport GmbH
- Volkswagen AG
- Oliver Killig
- Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau
- Helge Gerischer